November has been a busy month, with trying to find a balance with work, being social with family and friends, and trying to stay committed to being healthier (with that next step being a semi-structured workout schedule). There has not been a lot of time to write reviews or impressions about things I have found the time to watch or play. Even with that, I have written reviews on Dune and Eternals, and told you about 5 video game soundtracks that define my video game musical tastes. Like I did at the end of September, I am gonna round up everything else I have been watching or playing in November here before my head explodes with all of these opinions!
Playing: Forza Horizon 5
My favorite racing game of all time is Burnout Paradise, nothing can really touch that games perfect blend of arcade action with at the time was a revolutionary idea of having it in an open world. Forza Horizon 5 does the best job and has gotten closer than any other game to capturing that feeling again.

The world in Horizon is HUGE, almost to the point of being a little overwhelming. I think that is why I have not been blowing through this game like I thought it would. The map keeps adding icons, the menus are kinda confusing especially when it comes to customizing the look of your cars.
There are tons of different type of events and it is just fun to drive through this version of Mexico that they have created. Also the amount of cars in this game is kinda of amazing. This seems like a game that I will keep going back to for a while but might never finish. I am gonna keep toiling away at it and keep playing it in 1 - 2 hour chunks.
Watching: Spencer
Being a little bit of a history buff who focused on British history during my time at college, the Royal family have always interested me. Less because I think they're important, but how this group of people have lost most of their power politically but still have a cultural control over a country.

The best thing about Spencer is the focus is 100% on Diana, how she feels about being around the family, how bad it is for her mental health, and how being part of this family is making her slowly start to unravel and lose herself. Kristen Stewart does a magical job in her portrayal of Diana, especially the face mannerisms and how she dressed. If Stewart was not the favorite going into Oscar season then I would be shocked. Also the two child actors who portray William and Harry do a fantastic job of playing off of Stewart's Diana.
Where The Crown is more focused on the “institution” of what the crown stands for and means, Spencer is a more intimate story on how the weight of the crown effects more than the person who wears it.
Playing: Unpacking
One of the most relaxing things for me is when I set out to organize something and then actually accomplish it. Unpacking is that but in video game form. It is available on PC, Nintendo Switch, and how I am playing it: Xbox Game Pass.

The basic game play is you are dropped in a room (and eventually bigger areas like an apartment) with boxes to unpack. Every time to you interact with a box, it pulls an item out for you put where it belongs. It is extremely relaxing, with your focus on this simple task. What happens slowly is you start moving years in the future, from your first college dorm to you moving into an apartment that is obviously shared with a significant other. I started getting nostalgic about items that I would see every time I unpacked, like the stuffed animals.
If you have Game Pass, give it a shot. It also seems like it would be the perfect Switch game.
Watching: Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Ghostbusters is never a series that I was really interested in what the lore of the universe was, I had other stories like Star Wars that took that spot when I was kid. I always enjoyed both Ghostbusters movies though because Bill Murray is one of my favorite entertainers, and his chemistry with Dan Ackroyd is magical. So when Ghostbusters: Afterlife was announced, I was curious about how much was going to made about building a universe for future projects to happen in…and that is kinda what this is.

The movie is fine and has some funny moments. The kid actors and Paul Rudd are the standouts, especially Rudd who fits right into the kind of humor that Ghostbusters has. This movie did not make me care more about have a Ghostbusters Cinematic Universe at all, even though it sets up future events and brings the old cast back to do it.
Afterlife also brings kinda of a moral quandary to it as well with regards to using a post-humorous actor in Harold Ramis. They use a CGI version of him, brought up to the current age of the actors now as a spirt to help guide his family in defeating the world ending ghosts. You may find it very touching and respectful, I found it kinda of weird and unnecessary. I understood the sentiment behind it but felt it went on too long. It also brings up the moral conundrum that comes with using an actor’s likeness after he has passed, but that is not for me to decide.
Playing: Guardians of the Galaxy
Finally, the last of the three games that I have been bouncing around with is Marvel’s latest foray into AAA game development and second attempt with Square Enix: Guardians of the Galaxy.
I have gotten through most of what they had showed off at E3 2021 and so far I have really enjoyed it. This version of the Guardians seemed to be more fleshed out than their MCU counterparts, especially when it comes to Gamora. She already in just a few hours has had more character moments and has gotten me to buy into her backstory than in any of the movies.

While the story and character work seems to be way above my expectations, the combat is more or less exactly how I thought it would be: fine but nothing that blows me away. It seems like a generic version of Mass Effect 2 combat, with you only being able to play as Star-Lord, while bringing up a simple tactics menu to control the rest of the Guardians.
Well that is what I have been playing and watching in November, and December seems to have some fun entertainment coming out as well. I will have more reviews and impressions, and will be getting ready for Movies and Games of the Year lists coming at the end of the year. Thanks for reading!